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Application tips for

Our most important tip for applicants: Just be yourself.
You really want to make a contribution, become an effective team member and know you’ve had a real impact? In that case, we’d love to talk to you.
Applying online
The best approach:
Apply online via our Job Portal.
Simply send us
Your full CV (max. three pages) as a PDF file (max. 10 MB)
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Job Portal
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You can apply for an advertised position or send us an unsolicited application.
Got a question?
Here are some answers.
Yes, all the jobs advertised on our website are always genuine, up-to-date vacancies. We remove positions from the Job Portal as soon as they’re filled.
Yes, our Job Portal includes an area for unsolicited applications. By all means show us what you can do – send us a speculative application!
We’re always happy to answer your questions about our job offers. Please get directly in touch with the contact person named in the advertisement.
All application documents are reviewed by the relevant specialist unit in our HR department. If the assessment is positive, we invite you to a preliminary interview. We may then invite you to a further interview or interviews so we can get to know you – and you can get to know us.
We really want to get to know you, so our interviews are very much on the level. Be aware that all of us here at GMH Gruppe was once in exactly the same situation – and that’s also true of your interviewer(s). Before the interview, it would be a good idea to think about the kinds of questions that might be asked in a preliminary interview, as well as the questions you’d like to ask on your own account.
We’ve found a lead time of between three and five months to be advisable.
Whether and how much we pay interns depends on various factors. First, payment is based on the length of the internship – but the progress you make on the academic side (studying for a bachelor’s or master’s degree) is also an important consideration.
Generally speaking, this is possible. However, because we rarely invite students to submit ideas for theses, please approach the relevant Group companies directly, or else send us an unsolicited application – preferably as early as you can.
The training allowance at GMH Gruppe depends on the respective collective agreement for the production site and career concerned.
Training at GMH Gruppe is the first step in your career with us. You’ll be given sound, top-quality training across all relevant areas of activity in a great working atmosphere where you’ll really enjoy your work. Dedicated trainers will supervise you as you work in small groups, and systematically prepare you for your examinations.